Track record
GPP Industrie Grafiche
GPP operates in the paper converting market. In July 2008 the Private Equity fund 21 Investimenti acquires 100% of the company's capital.
In 2009, GPP acquired Eikon, a company specialized in the production of packaging for the pharmaceutical industry.
In 2010 GPP was unable to meet its existing commitments with banks, proposing to them a rescheduling plan pursuant to art. 67 L.F.
Unfortunately, due to issues related to the renewal of some production licenses, the company is unable to comply with the plan. The management then decides to sell an asset in order to reduce the debt. The choice falls on the Pharma division, born from the acquisition in 2009 of the company Eikon.
HCF members assisted GPP by providing a detailed report on the following points:
- analysis of the deltas between actual financials and the Business Plan pursuant to art. 67 L.F. drawn up by GPP management;
- analysis of the financial restructuring proposal prepared by GPP management, to be presented to ist lenders, with a focus on the sale of the Pharma division, aimed at the partial repayment of the bank lines.

Debt Advisory
Team - Nicolò Scoditti, Marco Di Fazio
Partners - CapitaLink Corporate Finance
Industry - Paper Manufacturing
Target company - GPP Industrie Grafiche SpA
Target country - Italy
Acquirer company - N/A
Acquirer country - N/A