Track record
Cantina La-Vis
Cantina La-Vis is one of the main Italian operators in the wine sector, with over 800ha of vines.
The company restructured EUR 48.5m of debt and simultaneously sold Casa Girelli and Cesarini Sforza to the Cavit Group. The transaction involved a pool of credit institutions made up of Unicredit, Cassa Centrale Banca, Banca Intesa, Montepaschi, Sparkasse, BBC Salorno and some Rural Banks such as that of Trento.
At the same time, Cantina di Lavis and Valle di Cembra Scarl entered the capital of the Cavit consortium and the Cavit Group entered the capital of the commercial company G.L.V. Srl, which distributes the Cantina La-Vis and Cembra Cantina di Montagna brands.
As a result of these operations, the Cavit Group has become a wine production center with EUR 250mn in annual revenues.

Debt Advisory
Team - Marco Di Fazio
Partners - CapitaLink Corporate Finance
Industry - Food & Beverage
Target company - Cantina La-Vis e Valle di Cembra Scarl
Target country - Italy
Acquirer company - N/A
Acquirer country - N/A